Avete Fraters et Sorors!


Welcome to the West Coast and the Grand Temple of Horus Behdety of the House of Ra, a Golden Dawn Society.  Our Order has members in cities across America and in several countries in the Americas and Europe.  All correspondence members are initiated through Horus Behdety  Temple.  The House of Ra  provides a permanent location for ritual work and classes and offers astral initiations.  All contacts are forwarded to the requested location through the Grand Temple of Horus Behdety.

15 thoughts on “Avete Fraters et Sorors!

  1. The webpage of our Order of the Golden Dawn mentioned that there is Temple, or a study group, in Raleigh, North Carolina, in the United States where I reside. Please provide me with the contact information whereby I may fellowship with local members. I am currently studying in the 0=0 Neophyte grade level. I thank you in advance for your time and attention to the matter.


  2. Greeting,
    I am alive, but not well. Though my spirit soars, my body is in ruins. The attacks of the humans are relentless. I need your support on all levels. I am she, who was known in the ancient world as Nefertiti. I survived 40 years of persecution and sexual harassment by entire civilizations.
    My nerves system is destroyed. I have been totally isolated in this life time. Banished.
    Hail to the Goddess in all her many forms!
    Hail! hail! Hail!
    Salutations, she is eternal
    Goddess alive!

    -Gloria Eagle


    • Spirit is with you. Focus inward on your connection to the light. Strengthen it and make that the sole focus. Worry nothing of humans, trust in Spirit to guide you through this part of your life. Seek the lessons left to learn. I will include you in healing ritual work when I do it. Blessings and safety. 770


  3. Avete ,
    Curious if there are any Sorors, Fraters, and/or Temple’s near Trinidad Colorado? Eye have currently entered as 0=0 .
    “The darkness doesn’t innerstand the Light.”

    Liked by 1 person

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